Ses Rotes
Community 2024

Join the Madhouse

2024 Community

Membership runs from now until March 2025

Limited numbers of members

Whether you live here or spend a lot of time here our Community is a great way to meet people.

Learn about viticulture and enjoy our members only social events.


Social Events

You’ll receive invitations to our members-only events.


Free to Join

Membership is free when you purchase an introductory pack of Ses Rotes Wine



Get your hands dirty in the fields & in the winery – learn about wine making.


Social Events

You’ll receive invitations to our members-only events.


Free to Join

Membership is free when you purchase an introductory pack of Ses Rotes Wine



Get your hands dirty in the fields & in the winery – learn about wine making.


Wine Tasting

Create your own Wine tasting event – suited to your budget.


Discount on Wine

Discount on wine when you purchase 6 bottles or more


TFI Fridays

Winery open every Friday 9am-3pm (by appointment)

For tastings, purchases or hands vineyard action


Wine Tasting

Create your own Wine tasting event – suited to your budget.


Discount on wine

Discount on wine when you purchase 6 bottles or more


TFI Fridays

Winery open every Friday 9am-3pm (by appointment)

For tastings, purchases or hands vineyard action

Ses Rotes

Introductory Pack of Wine

Single – 225€ (selection of 12 bottles of Ses Rotes wines – Red, White, Rose)

Couple – 350€ (selection of 18 bottles of Ses Rotes wines – Red, White, Rose)

Ses Rotes

Introductory Pack of Wine

Single – 225€ (selection of 12 bottles of Ses Rotes wines – Red, White, Rose)

Couple – 350€ (selection of 18 bottles of Ses Rotes wines – Red, White, Rose)
Ses Rotes logo squared transparent

Ses Rotes Community

Ses Rotes Community

Red lady web


Socials – Invitations to our 3 big calendar events –  see below. You are able to purchase one member ticket (2 if you are couple members) & as many non-member tickets as you would like (normally a bit more expensive).  Tickets include food & drinks are for over 16 year olds.

Lady Green Web


Viticulture – Learn about the wine making process…. from action in the winery, to action in the fields, it is a great way to learn about viticulture.  You are welcome to join for key bits of bodega action, such as bottling, pressing & pruning.  We have a WhatsApp group that shows you what is happening all year.

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Pop up

Pop Up Events – Invitations to a number of small Pop Up events, such as the launch of our red / white / rose / orange wines. You are able to purchase one member ticket (2 if you are couple members) & as many non-member tickets as you would like (normally a bit more expensive).  Tickets include food & drinks are for over 16 year olds.

Lady Green Web


Fridays & Saturdays 10am-4pm
We are open every Friday & Saturday – by appointment

Throughout the year members are invited to learn about the wine making process.

Both on the fields & in the winery…

February – March
Bottling of White & Rosé

End May – End June
Morning pruning followed by a few glasses of wine

August – September
The day after every harvest, we press the grapes in the winery – welcome to pop in and see how it happens

Lady Green Web


Fridays & Saturdays 10am-4pm
We are open every Friday & Saturday – by appointment

Throughout the year members are invited to get involved & learn about the wine making process.

Both on the fields & in the winery…

February – March
Bottling of White & Rosé

End May – End June
Morning pruning followed by a few glasses of wine.

August – September
The day after every harvest, we press the grapes in the winery – welcome to pop in and see how it happens.

Next Events

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2024 Wine Collection

May & June

Collect your 2024 membership wine pack.
Visit the winery & equestrian areas. to confirm a time
Ticket price: free

Timing: 10am-4pm Fri & Sat
(children welcome, but no dogs please!)

Look forward to meeting up very soon

Lady Green Web

Ses Rotes Rosé Day

11 June 5-8pm

Invitation to Members & your friends
Get back to nature
5-6.30pm – Working in the fields
6.30pm – Explanation of how we make our Rosé wines
Ticket price: free
(over 16 years only, no dogs please)

Send email to to confirm numbers

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16 Hands Wine Launch

To Be Confirmed

Invitation to Members & your friends
Be the 1st to taste our new 16 Hands range
Evening on the vineyard
Price includes includes all the wines & nibbles
Ticket price: Members 25€ & Non members 40€

Timing: 6-9pm
(over 16 years only, no dogs please)

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2024 Wine Collection

15-20 April

Collect your 2024 membership wine pack.
Visit the winery & equestrian areas. to confirm a time
Ticket price: free

Timing: 10am-4pm Fri & Sat
(children welcome, but no dogs please!)

Look forward to meeting up very soon

Lady Green Web

Ses Rotes Rosé Day

11 June 5-8pm

Invitation to Members & your friends
Get back to nature
5-6.30pm – Working in the fields
6.30pm – Explanation of how we make our Rosé wines
Ticket price: free
(over 16 years only, no dogs please)

Send email to to confirm numbers

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16 Hands Wine Launch

To Be Confirmed

Invitation to Members & your friends
Be the 1st to taste our new 16 Hands range
Evening on the vineyard
Price includes includes all the wines & nibbles
Ticket price: Members 25€ & Non members 40€

Timing: 6-9pm
(over 16 years only, no dogs please)

Ses Rotes Socials

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Paella, Art & Showjumping

7 June 2024

Invitation to our Members, their families & friends
Evening at Ses Rotes
Showjumping, art & Paella show cooking
Details to be finalised
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only

Red lady web

Paella, Art & Showjumping

7 June 2024

Invitation to our Members, their families & friends
Evening at Ses Rotes
Showjumping, art & Paella show cooking
Details to be finalised
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only

Red lady web

Blessing of the Wines

13 September 2024

Invitation to Members & your friends
Our local Priests will bless the wines
Food – Nama Restaurant in Deia @namadeia
Details to be finalised
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only

Red lady web

Blessing of the Wines

13 September 2024

Invitation to Members & your friends
Our local Priests will bless the wines
Food – Nama Restaurant in Deia @namadeia
Details to be finalised
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only

Red lady web

Christmas Party

December 3pm

Invitation to our Members & their friends
Portixol Hotel – sit down lunch 3pm
Traditional Swedish Christmas Julbord & free flowing Ses Rotes Wines
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only

Red lady web

Christmas Party

December 3pm

Invitation to our Members & their friends
Portixol Hotel – sit down lunch 3pm
Traditional Swedish Christmas Julbord & free flowing Ses Rotes Wines
Ticket price: Members 65€ & Non Members 95€
Adults & over 16 years only