Palma Sport & Tennis Club
Ses Rotes Wines
Bicicletas y vinos
Bikes and wines
Te invitamos a un evento exclusivo para los miembros de Palma Sport & Tennis Club y sus invitados: un día de ciclismo y relax entre amigos. Liderarán la salida nuestros entrenadores Talio Orell, Sergio Ravina y Kim Forteza, junto a Vicente Reynés, para pasar unas horas en ruta y posteriormente disfrutar de los viñedos de la Bodega Ses Rotes.
Nos reunimos en Ses Rotes, ubicada cerca de Esporles, a las 8.00h. Tomaremos un café y saldremos sobre las 9.00h. Los participantes podrán elegir entre varias rutas y niveles de dificultad. Los entrenadores de Palma Sport & Tennis Club estarán presentes durante todo el itinerario. De vuelta a Ses Rotes, se servirá un ligero buffet vegetariano al lado de las viñas, acompañado por una selección de los vinos de Ses Rotes.
8.00h – Encuentro en Ses Rotes
9.00/9.30 h – Salida (Es una salida sin asistencia, habrá una breve pausa durante el recorrido)
13.00 h – Almuerzo en Ses Rotes
15.00 h – Fin del evento
Vestimenta: Casual y práctica. Habrá posibilidad de cambiarse en Ses Rotes antes del almuerzo.
Es posible asistir al evento únicamente para la comida y degustación de vinos.

We invite you to an exclusive event for members of Palma Sport & Tennis Club and their guests: a day of cycling, relaxing and socialising. Our trainers Talio Orell, Sergio Ravina and Kim Forteza, together with Vicente Reynés, will be leading the tour. Afterwards, we will enjoy the vineyards at the winery Ses Rotes.
We meet at Ses Rotes near Esporles at 8am, have a coffee and start our ride at around 9am. Participants can choose among different routes and difficulties. The Palma Sport & Tennis Club’s cycling trainers will be present throughout the tour. Back at Ses Rotes, at around 1 pm, a light vegetarian lunch buffet will be served by the vineyards, to be enjoyed with a selecion of Ses Rotes wines.
8 am – Meet at Ses Rotes
9/9.30 am – Departure (It’s a tour without assistance, there will be a short stop)
1 pm – Lunch at Ses Rotes
3 pm – End of the event
Dress code: Casual and practical. Bikers can change their clothes before lunch.
It’s possible to assist to the event only for the lunch and wine tasting.
Bodega Ses Rotes – Ctra. S’Esgleieta-Esporlas km. 2,600, 07190 Esporlas
Coja la Ma-1110 desde Palma, en la rotonda, gire hacia Esporles (Ma-1120). Después de 2,5 km, estará la entrada a mano derecha, verá la avenida de palmeras flanqueada por las viñas. Nada más entrar, gire hacia la derecha y siga el camino y las señales hacia los estables y la bodega.
Día/ Date:
Sábado/ Saturday, 9 de Septiembre, 8.00 – 15.00h
Precio/ Ticket price:
Socios/ Members Palma Sport & Tennis Club 45€ -invitados/ guests 65€
Para ciclistas y no ciclistas – For cyclist and non cyclist
Número limitado de participantes – Limited numbers
NOTA: Si Usted es miembro, y compra entradas para Usted y para sus invitados, por favor seleccione para Usted la tarifa de miembro, y para sus invitados la tarifa de no miembros. Imprescindible anotar su número de miembro y todos los nombres de los asistentes en los comentarios (antes de realizar el pago).
NOTE: If you are a member, and want to buy tickets for yourself and your guests, please select the member tariff for yourself, and the non member tariff for your guests. Please write your member number and the names of all participants in the comments at check-out.
Ses Rotes Winery – Ctra. S’Esgleieta-Esporlas km. 2,600, 07190 Esporlas
Turn off the Ma-1110 towards Esporles (on the Ma-1120). On the right, after 2.5km, you will see the entrance with the vineyard either side of the palm tree driveway. Turn right as soon as you enter and follow signs to the Stables & winery.
Ses Rotes Wine Community
Learn about viticulture and enjoy our members only social events.
Social Events
You’ll receive invitations to our members-only events.
Free to Join
Membership is free when you purchase an introductory pack of Ses Rotes Wine
Get your hands dirty in the fields & in the winery – learn about wine making.
Wine Tasting
Create your own Wine tasting event – suited to your budget.
Discount on Wine
Discount on wine when you purchase 6 bottles or more
TFI Fridays
Winery open every Friday 9am-3pm (by appointment)
For tastings, purchases or hands vineyard action
Wine Tasting
Create your own Wine tasting event – suited to your budget.
Discount on wine
Discount on wine when you purchase 6 bottles or more
TFI Fridays
Winery open every Friday 9am-3pm (by appointment)
For tastings, purchases or hands vineyard action
Ses Rotes
Introductory Pack of Wine
Same price as 2022
Single – 225€ (selection of 13 bottles of Ses Rotes wines)
Ses Rotes
Introductory Pack of Wine
Same price as 2022
Single – 225€ (selection of 13 bottles of Ses Rotes wines)

Socials – You are invited to our bigger calendar events. There is a ticket price, which includes food, drinks & entertainment.

Viticulture – Learn about the wine making process…. every Friday or for the key bits of bodega action

Pop up
Pop Up Events – You are invited to a number of small Pop Ups. Events are varied, less formal & may incur a small cost.

Fridays 9am-3pm
We are open every Friday – by appointment
Throughout the year members are invited to get involved & learn about the wine making process.
Both on the fields & in the winery…
Bottling of 2022 White & Rosé
End May – End June
Morning pruning followed by a few glasses of wine.
July & August
Join us for the Harvest… we start before the sun rises & finish with a Paella & wine. Pressing the grapes – join us on the sorting table, while we select the best grapes for our wines.

Fridays 9am-3pm
We are open every Friday – by appointment
Throughout the year members are invited to get involved & learn about the wine making process.
Both on the fields & in the winery…
Bottling of 2022 White & Rosé
End May – End June
Morning pruning followed by a few glasses of wine.
July & August
Join us for the Harvest… we start before the sun rises & finish with a Paella & wine. Pressing the grapes – join us on the sorting table, while we select the best grapes for our wines.
Next Events 2023

Pressing of the Grapes
August & September
Invitation to members & their friends
The day after every harvest, we press the grapes in the winery
You are welcome to pop in and see how it happens

Blessing of the Wines
14 September 5-9 pm
Invitation to members & your friends
Our local Priests will bless the wines
Food – Nama Restaurant in Deia @namadeia
Funky tunes & unusal Marsh shenanigans
Ticket Price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes food, drinks & entertainment – adults over 16 years only)

Orange Wine Launch
Thurs 23 Nov 1pm
Invitation to our Members & their friends
Indian Food & Orange wine on the vineyard.
All morning we will be labelling & waxing the bottles, pop up & get involved
Be the first to taste our 2022 orange wine….
Ticket Price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes food, drinks & entertainment – adults over 16 years only)

Open House
Thurs 15 June 9am-9pm
9am to 9pm pop up & collect your wine
Get a bit dirty!
Learn about wine making – on fields & in the winery
Welcome to bring friends & family
The bar is also open
Relax and drink some wine on the vineyard

Paella & Showjumping
Fri 12 May 5-9pm
Invitation to Members & your friends
An evening of horses & paella
We have some fantastic Paella & wines
Emelie will be organising a display of Show Jumping
Ticket Price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes Food, Drinks & entertainment – adults only)

Orange Wine Launch
Thurs 23 Nov 1pm
Invitation to our Members & their friends
Indian Food & Orange wine on the vineyard.
All morning we will be labelling & waxing the bottles, pop up & get involved
Be the first to taste our 2022 orange wine….
Ticket Price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes Food, Drinks & entertainment – adults only)
Ses Rotes Socials 2023

Paella & Showjumping
Thurs 15 June - 5-9pm
Invitation to Members & your friends
An evening of horses & paella
We have some fantastic Paella & wines
Emelie will be organising a display of Show Jumping
Ticket Price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes Food, Drinks & entertainment)

Blessing of the Wines
September 14
Invitation to Members & your friends
Our local Priests will bless the wines
Food – Nama Restaurant in Deia @namadeia
Funky tunes & unusal Marsh shenanigans
Ticket price: members 50€, non members 75€ (includes food, drinks & entertainment)

Blessing of the Wines
Thursday 14th September
Invitation to Members & your friends
Our local Priests will bless the wines
Food – Nama Restaurant in Deia @namadeia
Funky tunes & unusal Marsh shenanigans
Members Ticket price: TBC€ (includes Food, Drinks & entertainment)

Christmas Party
Invitation to our Members, their families & friends
Christmas Market – Food, Coffee, Wine & Tunes.
Santa Lucia Classics, Valldemossa Choir & a Sexy Santa
Ticket price: TBC€

Christmas Party
Saturday 9th December
Invitation to our Members, their families & friends
Christmas Market – Food, Coffee, Wine & Tunes.
Santa Lucia Classics, Valldemossa Choir & Gustavo
Ticket price: TBC€